Friday, December 5, 2008

Week 8 Term 4 2008

We started the week by writing cinquains about the kiwi predators and finished the week off by drawing a picture to go with our work and using voice thread to record our voice.

Our predator poems are now on display in our classroom.
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In the weekend Hupai the 1000th kiwi chick was released back to the wild. We watched the news clip from TV nz about it and were delighted to see Michelle from the BNZ kiwi trust on it.

On Thursday the whole school met together and a representative from each of the rooms shared an interesting fact the classes had found out. Then we presented our kiwis covered in the coins we had collected to Michelle. Michelle was very grateful for the $252.70 we had raised to help save the kiwi.

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We have also worked on building a picture from a simple mark on a kidpix screen. (see picture below)

The motivation was the legend, explaining why the kiwi can’t fly. Having listened to a version of the legend written by Katarina Mataira we each drew a picture related to the story. The creative thinking was impressive as each of us incorporated the mark into the picture.

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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Week 7 Term 4 2008

It has been another busy week in room 5. It started with Ellisha and Lata making a poster about bringing along a coin to help save the kiwi

We photocopied the poster and delivered it to every classroom in the school.

Elly, Ebony, Juwon and Bill painted kiwis to put the coins on.On Wednesday and Thursday morning we met up with our buddy class and went out with the rest of the school to help save the kiwi by raising some money for the save the kiwi trust.

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We talked about how we felt saving the kiwi – See wordle document below.

In pairs we have continued to make posters with very important messages.

Liam and Sam

Elly and Juwon

We are also working hard on our paper mache kiwis – which will look stunning when they are finished.

On Friday we finished off our Kiwi poems and used voice thread to shared them with you – ENJOY.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Week 6 Term 4 2008

The week started with a visit from Maria Gills the author of Operation Nest Egg. She talked about the work of operation nest egg, the damage predators are doing to the kiwi.

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Using the mimio board, we are working in pairs to make posters to get across the message to ‘save the kiwi’. The poster below was completed by Bill and George

On Wednesday afternoon we took part in ‘Huff and Puff’ which was a great event. See the photos below.

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Week 5 Term 4 2008

This week we have continued our investigation of how people are helping the kiwi on its journey of survival. We watched the video clips of Sonny B’s visit to the Kiwi encounter at rainbow springs. Wow - Sonny B got to sit next to three kiwi eggs. We were told that kiwi eggs come in different sizes and shapes.

We have also had a visit from Michelle from the save the kiwi trust. She talked to us about how the kiwi is endangered and ways people are helping the kiwi with Operation Nest egg, which includes predator proof sanctuaries. She emphasised that we can help the kiwi by keeping dogs on leads in known kiwi areas. Michelle also showed us photos of the 1000th chick hatched as part of Operation Nest Egg.

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Michelle had a Kiwi ‘look alike’ egg that some of us got to hold. It was the same size and weight of a kiwi egg. Given the size of the kiwi the egg is huge and heavy. Ellisha got the chance to hold it.

We went on to the savethekiwitrust website and watched sniff the kiwi tell us about 006 and its journey of survival.

On this website we found e cards and had some fun sending them to Mrs Stewart, Miss Lawless and Michelle. Below is a photo of Ethan as he wrote the e card.

We were very excited when we received one back from Mrs stewart

This week we have also finished our alphabet key work based on things found in New Zealand. We tried to think and draw as many things as we could related to native birds and the kiwi in particular. Below you can see our efforts.

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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Week 4 Term 4 2008

This week we have been on a virtual field trip following our ambassador Sonny B on his journey with Mike the LearNZ teacher into the forest to see the lifting of a kiwi egg as well a health check on Storm a three year old Kiwi. Below is a photo of Sonny B as he started his journey with Mike. Sonny B is on the left Mike the LearNZ teacher is in the middle with Kupe the Kea the LearNZ ambassador.

We have watched video clips of what Mike and Sonny B have seen in the forest. We particularly enjoyed watching the video of ‘Storms’ health check

and the changing of the transmitter where we saw Storms claws – amazing

On Friday room 6 invited us to join in a audio conference with Mike and Claire from Rainbows Spring. They joined us in room 5. It was a great experience as students asked questions and we could all listen to the answers via the polycom. We learnt a lot about the hatching of kiwi chicks and how they look after them at Rainbow Springs.

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Under the direction of Miss Lawless (who is in the photos below) the students have finished off their predator masks and used them to dramatise the Kiwi being attacked in the forest.

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All students have now labelled their photo of the kiwi and these have been placed on the bottom of the information reports each student has written.

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Sunday, November 2, 2008

Week 3 Term 4 2008

This week we have been busy finding out about predators that kill kiwi chicks and eggs. Under Miss Lawless’ direction the students have made predator masks and have moved to music as they have pretended to be a kiwi or predator.

We have all finished off our inspiration documents where we have recorded what we know about the parts of a kiwi. (Click on each image to enlarge it)





We have each taken a photo of a Tui – (our class soft toy). We will use this image to label the parts of the tui using Kidpix in the next couple of weeks.

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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Week 2 Term 4 2008

It has been another busy week in room five.

We finished off the kiwi kidpix pictures which display the question we want to investigate – see below

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We have displayed our pencil sketches of the kiwi within our room

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As a class we have gathered information about the kiwi, organising our facts using a Y chart. We have looked at how the parts of the kiwi help it to survive in its environment and showed this new learning using an inspiration document– (Click on the image to enlarge it )see below

Some of us have made our own. (click on the image to enlarge it)




We have begun to take a photo of our ‘class kiwi’ which we will import into kidpix and label in the next couple of weeks. (see below)

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Students have continued to bring in items to photograph for the blend of the week and the following images have been completed using comic life.
George and Liam




Sunday, October 19, 2008

Week 1 Term 4 2008

It’s great to have everyone back at school for an action packed term of learning.

Our inquiry this term is focused on the ‘A journey of survival’
Why is the kiwi endangered and is it worth saving? We started with sharing want we already knew about the kiwi, and what we wondered about it. Our wonderings formed the bases of our questions that we will investigate throughout the term. We drew a kiwi in his habitat on kidpix and placed our question on it. As we find answers to these questions we will video each student sharing the answer and place the video clip on the kidpix image. Below are some of the kidpix images – more will be on the blog next week.

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We organised our facts using a Y chart on the floor and reflected on what it showed us. We decided that although we did know a lot about the kiwi we didn’t know much about what it ate or where is lived. These will be the areas we will focus on next week. We also decided that written facts were hard to read and that if we added some visual images it would be more appealing – so we got to and drew some images.

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It was great to see students bringing in items related to our topic of study
These items are much appreciated and will be well used by us all.

This week as we walked to our tennis lesson – we stopped to listen to and admire a Tui in our kowhai tree. The next day another Tui was singing in the tree just outside our classroom. It was so exciting that we have decided to find out more about the Tui next week and will organise what we find into a Y chart.

Our class was also interrupted this week during reading on Wednesday by a sparrow that had decided to join in the learning within our room. It stayed for quite some time and left as we headed out to the playground for lunch!

Finally during reading time this week students have brought in things that they found at home that began with the fl blend. Each of the items was photographed and later in the week the student worked in pairs to create the following images. We think they are fantastic.




Friday, September 26, 2008

week 10 Term 3 2008

This week we have been involved in the junior school production. Performing to a audience has certainly been a highlight. We gave our class camera to Jude during the performance to the kindy so she could take some photos backstage.

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We gave the class camera to Shyna during the performance to the school. Shyna has just joined our class so it was a great opportunity for her to get use to using the class camera. She tool over 100 photos and obviously enjoyed this opportunity immensely.

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On Friday we used voice thread to share our favourite part of the production and to share the poems we wrote about the production.

Finally I have included some photos of the ‘city’ a group of students made during the week – look at the detail – the café with the table and chairs, the car park, the helicopter pad and the airport. Delightful. A great deal of fun was had by all which involved a lot of team work and to think it all started when one of the students built a swimming pool!

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Friday, September 19, 2008

Week 9 Term 3 2008

This week we have been busy preparing for the Junior school production of Hansel and Gretel. We have been involved in dress rehearsals and have enjoyed dressing up and being on stage. Today we produced a voice thread to let you know what character we are in the production. We look forward to preforming to an audience on Tuesday and Thursday evening as well as to the local kindy and play centre on Monday and the rest of the school on Wednesday. We hope to see you at one of the performances.

We have also drawn our favourite part of Hansel and Gretel on kidpix.

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Our hot air balloons are nearing completion. As they are being hung within the room each student is proudly taking a photo of their creation.

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At the end of the week we looked once again at the ‘thinkers key' . Both activities encouraged us to think creatively - (click on the image to enlarge it)
The picture key

The brick wall

Friday, September 12, 2008

Week 8 Term 3 2008

With 'meeting the locals' being a focus for conservation week we wrote poems about fantails.
Below is our latest voice thread.

On Friday as a school we set about cleaning up our school grounds. Hayden was our official class photographer and he captured the occasional in the photographs below.

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This week Thomas brought in two large glass balls. He asked for some blue tack and the class camera and began to photograph them in different ways.
His fantastic photos can be seen below.

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We have been working hard on our production of Hansel and Gretel and look froward to presenting it to an audience in week 10. Look out for some photos of this next week.

We have begun to paint our hot air balloons and its pleasing to see them being coloured in a variety of ways.

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While some of us painted our hot air balloons others of us explored making hot air balloons with tissue paper and filled them with hot air. It was a great deal of fun.

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Below is Ethans Venn diagram

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Week 7 Term 3 2008

This week we wrote two poems one about a helicopter, the other about a dump truck. On Friday we read them both to a partner and decided which one we liked the most. We then read our favourite poem on to voice thread. Most of us liked the poems we had written about the helicopter.

At home Ethan had been on the computer and found this diagram of a hot air balloon and had brought it into school to share with us.

Below are some more of our Venn diagrams showing the difference between parachutes and hot air balloons. (click on each of the images to enlarge them.)





This week our shared book was ‘I want to be the fox’ It was a story about a boy who was taking part in a school production just like us. He was chosen to be a rabbit but he really wanted to be the fox. As a class we did a PMI chart to explore the advantages and disadvantages on taking part in a production.

On Thursday YouSeok brought in a copy of Hansel and Gretel written in Korean and read it to us. It was great to listen to a story read in Korean.

On Friday we made paper helicopters, which was a lot of fun. Some of us tried to take photos of our helicopters as they spun down towards us as we lay down on the ground. Below are the photos we took.

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Below are the latest I spy movies made by Elly and George

Elly's movie

George's movie