It has been another busy week in room 5. It started with Ellisha and Lata making a poster about bringing along a coin to help save the kiwi
We photocopied the poster and delivered it to every classroom in the school.
Elly, Ebony, Juwon and Bill painted kiwis to put the coins on.On Wednesday and Thursday morning we met up with our buddy class and went out with the rest of the school to help save the kiwi by raising some money for the save the kiwi trust.
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We talked about how we felt saving the kiwi – See wordle document below.
In pairs we have continued to make posters with very important messages.
Liam and Sam
Elly and Juwon
We are also working hard on our paper mache kiwis – which will look stunning when they are finished.
On Friday we finished off our Kiwi poems and used voice thread to shared them with you – ENJOY.
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