This week we have continued to make the posters about ourselves using comic life. We worked in pairs on the mimio board helping each other. Look at our results below. Click on the image to enlarge it.
We started the week receiving a letter from Jacqui Knight ‘the butterfly lady’. It was so nice to receive all the beautiful stickers. At the end of day we all went home with one.
We drew some beautiful monarch butterflies to display with our personal recounts about the day our butterflies hatched.
At the end of the week Mrs Chambers brought us in a newspaper clip she thought we might find interesting. It was about people tagging butterflies.
Cultural week at Sunnybrae was a wonderful celebration of all the cultures we have within our school.
On Tuesday the students in the junior syndicate swapped classrooms and we went to three different classrooms to complete an activity/art work from another country.
On Thursday morning we took part in the cultural parade – the heavy down pour meant we had to hold the parade in the hall. It was amazing to see everyone dressed up.
Thursday afternoon we took part in a school base ‘sports around the world’. We were split into family groups and played games led by the year 5 and 6 students.
It has been another busy week in room 15. It was with great excitement we discovered that 3 people had left us a message on our class blog this week. Jacqui Knight the butterfly lady was one of them – she is sending us some butterfly stickers- we can’t wait to see them.
We have continued to explore the Kid Pix programme and this week we drew a border around a photo of ourselves.
Next week each of us will have a turn on the laptop, using all our KidPix pictures to put together a page of our work on comic life. We will use captions to explain what each picture is about. Look out for some of these on our next blog entry.
Our shared book this week was about a farmer who loved to wear a large straw hat but it was looking very old and worn. It got us thinking what could be done with the farmer’s old straw hat. Click on the image below to enlarge it so you can read our wonderful ideas.
We were very lucky this week to have a visit from Al a musician and Claire a nurse. They told us a lot about their jobs, the equipment they use and why they like their jobs. We got to ask them a lot of questions and we are learning a lot about why people do the jobs they do and how people help us.
It was an exciting start to week five, to find that over the weekend our butterflies had hatched. We watched a powerpoint by Jacqui Knight the ‘butterfly lady’ and discovered that our butterflies were both females. Female butterflies have thicker veins on their wings than males and male butterflies have two black dots on their wings It was great to have a butterfly fluttering around our room. We put it outside and watched it fly away. Later in the day while at swimming a butterfly flew into the area – we wondered if it was OUR butterfly.
On Friday the last of our butterflies hatched – it was a male. It stayed in our classroom all day and at the end of the day we placed it outside on a tree.
We are a class of Year 1 students at Sunnybrae Normal School, Auckland. Mrs Rennie-Younger teaches us on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Mrs Morley teaches us on Wednesday and Thursday. We hope you enjoy sharing our learning. Please feel free to leave us a message by clicking on the comment section at the bottom of an entry. Write a comment and your comment will then be emailed to Mrs Rennie-Younger who will then ensure it's placed on the blog.
Room 1 2014
Room 1 2014
Room 1 2014
Room 1 2014
How to make a comment on our blog
1. At the end of a blog entry, click on the word 'comments'. 2. Write a comment in the comment box. 3. Click on 'select profile'. 4. Choose Name/URL 5. Where it says 'Name' write your first name then click continue. 6. Click on 'Post Comment'. Your comment will be emailed to Mrs Rennie-Younger and she will put it on the blog. It's really easy!!