The art of printmaking - Our school art exhibition
In the last week of the school term we exhibited our art work in the school art exhibition. Our display was based on our skills as print makers as we all showed a print we had made. Thank you to all the parents and friends who admired our work.
Also on display was Sunny the Rooster - As a class we had all contributed to his construction - cutting out feathers, making marks on each feather and then placing the feather on the outline of the rooster.
We are a class of Year 1 students at Sunnybrae Normal School, Auckland. Mrs Rennie-Younger teaches us on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Mrs Morley teaches us on Wednesday and Thursday. We hope you enjoy sharing our learning. Please feel free to leave us a message by clicking on the comment section at the bottom of an entry. Write a comment and your comment will then be emailed to Mrs Rennie-Younger who will then ensure it's placed on the blog.
Room 1 2014
Room 1 2014
Room 1 2014
Room 1 2014
How to make a comment on our blog
1. At the end of a blog entry, click on the word 'comments'. 2. Write a comment in the comment box. 3. Click on 'select profile'. 4. Choose Name/URL 5. Where it says 'Name' write your first name then click continue. 6. Click on 'Post Comment'. Your comment will be emailed to Mrs Rennie-Younger and she will put it on the blog. It's really easy!!
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