Grace went to the pet shop to choose a new pet. Listen to her read her recount and find out what she chose. Grace drew her pictures using KidPix and Ora videoed her.
Summer plays netball for the school and she wrote about her game last week. Listen to her reading her story. Summer drew her pictures on KidPix and Vianni videoed her.
Look at the shape pictures we have made this week.
We read a book about rain and were excited to find instructions on how to make a rain gauge. The next day Brodie came in with a bottle and we made a rain gauge. Next week we will put it out everyday and record the results.
Later in the week we made puddles - one in the sun and one in the shade. We made predictions as to which would evaporate first. We were right with the one in the sun evaporating first. Many of us were able to explain that when the water heats up it turns into water vapour.
Listen to Ashane read this personal recount about playing mini golf with his Dad and sister Hansi. Ashane drew his pictures on KidPix and Liam videoed him.
It's been another busy week in room 15. We have been busy publishing our work to put on the blog - look out for our work in the coming week.
We continue to learn about water - this week we turned water into water vapour - a gas. Katharine was our official photographer and took the photos below.
We have used the photos we took of the ice last week to make podcasts and have also put the photos on our poems which are on display in our classroom.
When it rained everyone took a turn with the class camera and took some photos outside.
In maths everyone is enjoying using the foam shapes to make pictures - the children are proud of their creations and have used the class camera to capture them for you all to see.
This week we have had the pleasure of having Mr Harwood in our classroom. He is training to be an Education Officer for the police. He helped out in our class for 4 days and took a lesson on keeping ourselves save in the bush.
We have been investigating how water turns into ice this week. We did an experiment, made some predictions and noted our findings. We found out that - water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius - ice is lighter than water - water expands when it freezes - ice will freeze into the shape it is in
We loved passing our ice around the circle and talking about how cold it was. Then we took photos of the ice.
We enjoyed turning water into ice and back to a liquid using this website.
It's great to see everyone back at school for a busy and full filled term.
We have started our inquiry based on Water, water everywhere by writing a definition for water that we might find in a picture dictionary. With our definitions written we drew a picture on KidPix to go with it. These can be seen below. We will write definitions again at the end of the inquiry and see how much our thinking has changed.
We also used the class camera this week to drop a droplet of water on an Autumn leaf and take a photo of it. Great fun was had by all with some very impressive photos being taken.
On Wednesday with it being a beautiful clear , crisp morning we headed out on an Autumn walk. With our literacy buddy we took photos of what we saw.
At the end of the walk Mrs Rennie-Younger took a photo of us throwing some leaves up in the air. I think you will agree that the expressions on the faces tell you how much fun we had.
During the week Mr Gordon came and collected groups of us to complete a writing survey on line - This was very exciting - with everyone keen to go with Mr Gordon to complete the task.
By the end of the week we had begun to use the schools brand new flip video to record each other reading our Autumn poems. Look out for these recordings as they will feature on our blog shortly.
Friday our buddy class came to visit and we looked at our blog and asked Room 10 to help write a comment on it. We hope that next week students in Room 10 will look at our blog during reading time and leave us a comment or two.
We are a class of Year 1 students at Sunnybrae Normal School, Auckland. Mrs Rennie-Younger teaches us on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Mrs Morley teaches us on Wednesday and Thursday. We hope you enjoy sharing our learning. Please feel free to leave us a message by clicking on the comment section at the bottom of an entry. Write a comment and your comment will then be emailed to Mrs Rennie-Younger who will then ensure it's placed on the blog.
Room 1 2014
Room 1 2014
Room 1 2014
Room 1 2014
How to make a comment on our blog
1. At the end of a blog entry, click on the word 'comments'. 2. Write a comment in the comment box. 3. Click on 'select profile'. 4. Choose Name/URL 5. Where it says 'Name' write your first name then click continue. 6. Click on 'Post Comment'. Your comment will be emailed to Mrs Rennie-Younger and she will put it on the blog. It's really easy!!