Sunday, February 28, 2010

Baby Animals by Flynn, Oscar, Jorja, Charlie, Jade

Here is another podcast about the names given to baby animals. We painted the pictures and read our sentence about it.

Here is our book.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Baby Animals by Stephanie, Jorja, Nicole P, Olivia, Ben

We are learning about the name given to baby animals. We painted some pictures of a baby with its mother or father. Listen to our podcast and enjoy our delightful paintings.

Look at our book about baby animals

Friday, February 26, 2010

Baby Animals by room 6

This week we have read a shared book about baby animals. We have enjoyed learning about the names given to baby animals.

Look at the book we have made and look out for us reading parts of our book in the next few days.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I am good at .... by Jade, Lily, Charlie and Ben

We have been talking about what we are good at and what we are learning to do. Listen to Jade, Lily, Charlie and Ben share what they are good at and one thing they are learning to do at school.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The ice cream by Olivia

We are learning to draw three pictures to tell a story that has a beginning, middle and end. We are learning about narratives and how they are organised. Olivia drew three pictures on KidPix about a boy who was eating an ice cream. Listen to Olivia tell us her narrative - what problem did the boy have?

Look at the owls we painted.

On Friday some of us painted an owl.

Look at the owl.

Look at the owl.

Nicole P
Look at the owl.

Nicole T
Look at the owl.

Look at the owl.

Look at the owl.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The ice cream by Nicole Patton

We have been learning to tell a story using the pictures we have drawn. Nicole drew three pictures (using the computer programme KidPix) about a boy who was eating an ice cream when it dropped and was eaten by a dog. Listen to Nicole tell us her story - a narrative.

Week 3 Term 1 2010

We have had another busy week at school some of the highlights would be -
On Thursday we had a session with some coaches from United soccer. We thoroughly enjoyed kicking the ball around.

We have read a shared book - Time for bed. When reading this book, we discovered that some animals and insects are awake at night while others are awake during the day. We sorted the animals we knew into two piles.

Some of us have painted 'owls' - look out for these over the next few days.

Look at the owl.

We have looked at the things we are good at and things we are learning to do - look out for these podcasts over the next week.

Monday, February 15, 2010

I can jump by room 6

We have enjoyed reading the book I can jump. Listen to us reading the book we made. We tried to make our voice sad when we read the snail parts and more cheerful when we were reading the grasshopper, spider and butterfly parts.

Week 2 Term 1 2010

We have been using the computer programme Kidpix to draw ourselves. This week we drew ourselves and then used the bucket tool to colour in our image.

Look at Nicole T

Look at Flynn

Look at Nicole P

Look at Lily
Look at Jade

Look at Martin

Look at Jorja

Look at Charlie

Look at Oscar

Look at Olivia

Look at Ben

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Week 2 Term 1 2010

As a class we have been exploring our school vision ' A connected community of positively engaged learners. We have explored what learning is and what we need to do in our classroom to make it a great place to learn. We decided we needed to
Be kind
Help each other.
Do our best
Make new friends
Try new things.

This week we have read the shared book 'I can jump'. It is about a snail who found that although it couldn't jump like a grasshopper or run like a spider or fly like a butterfly, it could slide. We became very interested in snails and some of us painted one -

Look at our snails.




Nicole P

Mr Barnes our school caretaker found us a snail in the school grounds. We watched it slither on the clear plastic and were fascinated how it could hang upside down. We got to look how its foot worked

Using the class camera we took our very first photos for the year. We all did our very best. (Click on the images below to enlarge them)

We will use these photos to label the parts of a snail on Kidpix next week.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


We read the book 'Me' and then made our own class book about it. This is our first podcast for the year. Listen to us read our book.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Look at us

We have been learning to use the computer programme 'Kidpix'. We started by drawing a picture of ourselves. Enjoy the images below.

Look at Charlie

Look at Nicole T

Look at Olivia

Look at Nicole P

Look at Meli

Look at Flynn

Look at Jorja

Look at Martin

Week 1 Term 1 2010

Room 6 is a delightful class of 5 year old's. Today was their first day of school. Below is a photo of each of them taken on their first day of school.

We read a story called 'Me' . In this book we saw a little girl doing a number of things - eg laughing, crying. sleeping, talking, eating, drinking, listening. We added two of our own - reading and talking to a friend. In the photo below can you work out what we are doing?