Sunday, July 25, 2010

Week 1 Term 3 2010

Welcome back to Term 3. Our theme for the term is: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle as we look at the environmental footprint we are making.

To begin this unit of work off we have started by looking at what an environment is. We read the text Mrs Wishy Washy - so started by looking at what we would expect to see on a farm and what Mrs Wishy Washy had to have on her farm to make it a great place for the animals to live. We painted some pictures to make a display of what we have learnt. - Look out for a photo of this next week.

Stephanie and Jade worked with Carol - (Blake's Nana) using the computer programme 'inspiration' to collate and then sort images of things they thought they would find on a farm.

Stephanie (click on the image to enlarge it)

Jade (click on the image to enlarge it)


  1. WOW! Jade your very clever. I think that is a good piece of work

  2. Hi Room 6, remember me? I came to your class a while ago and I will be coming back at the end of August for three whole weeks. I can't believe it's August already! I love looking at your blog to see what you're doing in class - the reduce, reuse, recycle topic you're working on this term sounds like it's already a lot of fun, I can't wait to join in when I come back. from Mrs Elliott
