Sunday, August 22, 2010

Week 6 Term 3 2010

Mr Barnes continues to be very busy improving our sandpit. This week he added trailer load after trailer load of new sand. We went out to watch him. We decided it was a lot of hard work and wondered how many shovel loads of sand he moved from his trailer to the sandpit. We can't wait to play in it - we are hoping it might be opened next week!!

Below is the photo of our wall display about Mrs Wishy Washy. We are really enjoying all of her books. Can you see the great tractor Ben painted and the impressive ducks in the pond?

We have painted Mrs Wishy Washy - Below are some of our wonderful paintings.



1 comment:

  1. Wow .. what great Mrs Wishy Washy paintings.

    I can see that she was a bit grumpy with the animals getting all muddy again after she had given them a good wash!!

    I really like how the colours are the same as in the pictures of the story. lots of good detail with the hair, her scarf and her apron.
