Saturday, April 2, 2011

Weekly update

This week we have continued to learn about the life cycle of the butterfly and used a mimio activity to reinforce our learning. When our Grandparents and special friends joined us at school on Wednesday, together we made a life cycle mobile.

It was a real treat to have our grandparents at school and we used the opportunity to show them how to complete the mimio activity on the life cycle. We were the experts and had to show our grandparents how to use the mimio pen.

Watch this video of the photos taken of our Grandparents and special friends using the mimio board

This week - one of our munching, crunching caterpillars finally decided to hang from a leaf - unfortunately it never made a 'j' only a 'l' and it died.

Finlay's Nana heard of our very sad story and kindly brought in a chrysalis for us - everyone was very excited. We just have to remember to look with our eyes and not to touch the chrysalis.

Near the end of the week - another one of our munching, crunching caterpillars decided to hang from a leaf - and we all gave it firm instructions that it had to make a j and not a l. Well I'm pleased to report it did make a J and made itself a chrysalis.

We have worked out that all going well it should hatch just before we go on holiday in two weeks time.

We have continued to work on our 'Eric Carle' inspired collage caterpillars. They are quite time consuming - but we think they will look fantastic when they are finished. The photo below is of Eunji's caterpillar under construction.

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